Monday, February 19, 2018

On Wings of Time: Lochlainn Guardians #1: 3 Stars

Author: Linda Boulanger
Length: 202 pgs.

I picked this book up as an Amazon freebie. The cover made me chuckle but the storyline about dragons and time travel piqued my interest.

The book is about Amileigh, a young woman from 600 years ago who finds out she is a Prihom, a woman meant to unlock her true mate's inner dragon via, well, doin' it. She meets Eric, who was pulled into her time from 600+ years in the future to find out he is this mate. There's a rival dragon clan who wants to kill all the dragons in Eric's line so that they can make the remaining humans their slaves and become the most powerful force on earth. Therefore it's vital that Eric's line continue their dragon shifting and protection of those powerless to stop this from happening.

This is my first dragon shifter book, so I'm not sure what detail typically goes into the shifting part of it. In this book we get literally no details about the shifting itself other than what color Eric turns out to be in dragon form. I didn't mind it too much though, I just wanted to get to the good stuff- dragon fighting and the such. Buuuut, there's not much detail there either, other than the good dragons end up fighting the bad dragons and we figure out who wins when it's over about half a page later.

So detail isn't really a focus here, but I didn't really mind that in the end. The chemistry and pull between Eric and Amileigh is fun, even though Eric acts like an entitled teenager at times (he's in his twenties). When they finally get together to unlock Eric's dragon it's steamy enough to satisfy anyone's romance/erotica craving.

I enjoyed this book slightly more than I thought I would although it's pretty much on par with what you'd expect to get from a free book about time-travel and dragon shifting. I think I'll try out more dragon-shifting books though, because I enjoyed reading about their ancient, magical family history of dragons and Prihoms.

I'm always glad when I finish a freebie because it means I'm not just clouding up my Kindle with free Amazon bull@%, and I think with some more attention to detail and a little more solid storyline this could've been a four star read, but it's a quick enough read that if it's not your thing you get through it quickly enough. And anytime a book opens you up to something that's normally outside your genre it's a win, so I'm glad I picked this one up.

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