Monday, March 5, 2018

Enthrall: 4 Stars

Author: Vanessa Fewings
Length: 277 pgs.

This book is FREE on Amazon.

I loved this story! I devoured it in about 48 hours.

It opens with our heroine, Mia, at a job interview for a secretarial position at a BDSM club called Enthrall. She bombs the interview but soon learns she actually go the job and her adventure begins. Mia’s 21 years old and a virgin, completely naïve to anything BDSM (she wanted the job for its awesome salary, to help pay off her stepmother’s medical bills). This can be annoying if you have read a lot of books in this genre and don’t feel like watching another naïve doe witness kinky sexual activity with bug-eyed shock but fortunately, Mia’s not like that. In fact when she’s fired from her job within the first few days she does something extreme to try to get it back. She learns quickly that she enjoys having her boundaries pushed and is up for many things she’s never experienced or even heard of. She may start off her journey as a virgin but her naivety is quickly replaced with a growing sense of sexual adventure.

The biggest reason I liked this book so much were the male leads- we have not one, but two captivating, interesting men who enhance the story tremendously. Readers of this genre know that the male characters are usually only there to say something cheeky or smartass to try to get the female character to jump into bed with them. In Enthrall, both men Richard and Cameron are fully developed with backstories and with dialogue to back it up. Additionally, Cameron is a psychiatrist and one of my favorite parts of the books is where he psychoanalyzes Mia to the point where he unlocks her secret childhood pain and helps her see herself in a new light. This was written so believably that I wonder what research Ms. Fewings did in the psychiatry field to make this scene so authentic. You won’t find any two-dimensional men as the main characters here and that is what made me love this book so much and be able to immerse myself in it.

I also loved the author’s writing style as everything seemed to flow seamlessly and it was effortless for me to get through page after page. It was the perfect combination of BDSM/erotica, drama, romance, coming of age (in a sense) and mystery (as we don’t know everyone’s secrets at first). It had much more depth than I anticipated.

Richard and Mia are quickly set up as the soon-to-be-couple which is a good match, but I also enjoyed the way that chemistry developed between Cameron and Mia even as Cameron encouraged her relationship with his best friend Richard. I have a sense that there is much more there to be explored and based on the summary of the second book, Enthrall Her, (which I cannot WAIT to read!!) this will soon be addressed.

Can’t wait to continue the series.

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